Amika Hair Blow Dry Brush 2.0 Review

Amika Hair Blow Dry Brush 2.0 Performance Review

Amika’s second-generation hot air brush is for the ones who prioritize shiny and frizz-free hair and fast results Amika Hair

CHI Volumizer 4-in-1 Blowout Brush Review

CHI Volumizer 4-in-1 Blowout Brush Performance Review

Covering hair drying, straightening, curling, and detangling all in one tool, CHI Volumizer 4-in-1 is for home stylers who put

Conair The Knot Dr. All-in-One Smoothing Dryer Brush Review

Conair All-in-One Smoothing Dryer Brush Performance Review

Our take on Conair’s paddle hot air brush, which provides gentle everyday smoothening and detangling in one tool, faster than

Conair The Knot Dr. All-In-One Oval Dryer Brush Review

Conair All-In-One Oval Dryer Brush Performance Review

A close look at Conair’s extra-large hot air brush with endless attachment possibilities Conair The Knot Dr. All-In-One Oval Dryer

Hot Tools Black Gold One-Step Blowout And Volumizer Review

Hot Tools Black Gold One-Step Volumizer Performance Review

Our take on Hot Tools’ sturdy and powerful hot air brush “Black Gold”, that can tame the unruliest hair Hot

Hot Tools 24K Gold One-Step Blowout And Volumizer Review

Hot Tools 24K Gold One-Step Volumizer Performance Review

An in-depth look at HOT TOOL’s new hot air brush “24K Gold”, which proves to be as gentle as it

Revlon One-Step Volumizer PLUS 2.0 Review

Revlon One-Step Volumizer PLUS 2.0 Performance Review

With its affordable price and fast styling capacity, Revlon’s new One-Step Plus is perfect for home stylists that prioritize budget

Drybar The Half Shot Round Blow-Dryer Brush Review

Drybar The Half Shot Blow-Dryer Brush Performance Review

With the slimmest barrel and great root grip capacity, Drybar’s The Half Shot matches the needs of short hair perfectly

Drybar The Single Shot Round Blow-Dryer Brush Review

Drybar The Single Shot Blow-Dryer Brush Performane Review

An in-depth look at Drybar’s second generation “The Single Shot”, which offers a round-shaped brush Drybar The Single Shot Round

Drybar The Double Shot Oval Blow-Dryer Brush Review

Drybar The Double Shot Blow-Dryer Brush Performance Review

Drybar The Double Shot blow-dryer brush is for home stylists who prioritize quality and efficiency Model name/ number: 900-2225-4Price: $155Heat

Hot Tools Black Gold vs 24K Gold One-Step

Hot Tools Black Gold vs 24K Gold One-Step Comparison

It’s no secret that Hot Tools blow dryer brushes are superior at styling thick and unruly hair. But which Hot

Amika Blow Dry Brush 2.0 vs Revlon One-Step Volumizer PLUS

Amika 2.0 vs Revlon One-Step Volumizer PLUS Comparison

An in-depth look at the two fastest hot air brushes in the market, Amica and Revlon, which both bring the

Revlon One-Step Volumizer PLUS 2.0 vs 1.0 Original

Revlon One-Step Volumizer PLUS 2.0 vs 1.0 Original Comparison

Revlon The One-Step Collection provides fast and effective styling for a very affordable price. But which One-Step to choose? Revlon

Drybar Double Shot vs. Single Shot vs. Half Shot

Drybar Double Shot vs. Single Shot vs. Half Shot Comparison

For every hair type and styling need, an in-depth comparison among “Drybar The Shot Collection” Drybar Double Shot Vs. Single

Drybar The Double Shot Vs Revlon One-Step Volumizer Plus

Drybar The Double Shot Vs Revlon One-Step Volumizer Plus Comparison

An in-depth comparison between the two most popular hot air brushes in the market Drybar Double Shot is our favorite