Tymo Ring Plus Hair Straightening Brush Review

Tymo Ring Plus Hair Straightening Brush Performance Review

With its slim comb shape and unconventional bristle design, Tymo Ring Plus is the straightening brush with the sleekest results

CHI Amplitude Heated Round Brush Review

CHI Amplitude Heated Round Brush Performance Review

Our take on CHI’s sturdy round straightening brush which adds great texture to hair CHI Amplitude Tourmaline Ceramic Heated Round

Babylisspro Nano Titanium Ionic Thermal Paddle Brush Review

Babylisspro Nano Titanium Paddle Brush Performance Review

In-depth look at Babyliss’ thermal paddle straightening brush that can provide the gentlest styling for even the most fragile strands

CHI Tourmaline Ceramic Hot Styling Brush Review

CHI Tourmaline Ceramic Hot Styling Brush Performance Review

A close look at Chi’s paddle-shaped straightener brush that provides great detangling and smoothening Price: $80For which hair type: all

Conair Instant Heat 3:4-inch Hot Brush Review

Conair Instant Heat Hot Brush Performance Review

Our take on Conair’s affordable round straightening brush that can curl your strands Conair Instant Heat Hot Brush Model Name/

Drybar The Brush Crush Heated Straightening Brush Review

Drybar The Brush Crush Straightening Brush Performance Review

Drybar’s premium straightening brush nicely brings fast and effective straightening with best material quality that the brand is known for

Ghd Glide Smoothing Hot Brush Review

Ghd Glide Smoothing Hot Brush Performance Review

An in-depth look at the all-time favorite straightening brush with extraordinary performance and superior detangling capacity ghd Glide Smoothing Hot

Tymo Ring Vs Tymo Ring Plus

Tymo Ring Vs Tymo Ring Plus Comparison

An in-depth comparison between TYMO’s unique straightening brush and its latest version Tymo Ring Vs Tymo Ring Plus Straightening brushes